Archive for 2014

The Umbrella: Bodies, Deportment and Geopolitics

Klaus Dodds • Oct 10 2014 • Articles

The role of objects in world politics continues to deserve our attention, including the ways in which human and non-human agency combine to re-engineer the umbrella.

Interview – Steven Pinker

E-International Relations • Oct 10 2014 • Features

Professor Pinker answers questions on mankind’s tendency toward violence, Darwinism, the rights of women in Islamic societies, and his new book – The Sense of Style.

Does the Latin American Left Offer a Post-Neoliberal Alternative?

Ruby Utting • Oct 10 2014 • Essays

The role of the state as the facilitator of capitalist interests has limited the Bolivian government in its ability to initiate a break from neoliberal economics.

Are High Levels of Violent Crime Inevitable After a Civil War?

Clara Voyvodic Casabo • Oct 10 2014 • Essays

The emergence of violent crime after war should be considered as the product of a multiplicity of sources associated with conflict and with larger structural dynamics.

State Department U. ?

Dylan Kissane • Oct 9 2014 • Articles

Steven Mintz’s piece provides a great summary of where higher education is currently innovating and what the higher education model of the future might look like.

A Critical Analysis of Walt’s Concept of Security

Veronica Kate Coates • Oct 9 2014 • Essays

Whilst Walt’s concept of security may be limited in scope, he nevertheless offers valuable and sobering guidance to security studies.

Why Did the Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan in 1979?

Uday Rai Mehra • Oct 9 2014 • Essays

The USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan was the result of an intertwined set of concerns and interests within Moscow, rather than socialist internationalism or prestige.

IR and the Future Wars of First-Person Military Shooters

Johan Höglund • Oct 9 2014 • Articles

In the third generation of military shooters, IR concerns manifest as future war and the insecurity charted by IR collapses into open confrontation.

Policing in France: Some Tips for a Would-be President?

Mark Jordan • Oct 8 2014 • Articles

Any would-be president needing better ratings could improve the state’s relationship with large sections of its citizenry by addressing the institution of policing.

An Examination of Russia’s Foreign Policy Through The Clash of Civilizations

Matthew Rae • Oct 8 2014 • Essays

Russia’s actions of late are difficult to understand through traditional paradigms, but Huntington’s Clash of Civilization paradigm offers a holistic view of the crisis.

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