Archive for 2014

Call for Papers – Resurrecting International Relations Theory

Robert L. Oprisko • Sep 10 2014 • Articles

Resurrecting IR Theory will be a special issue for the journal ‘Politics’ with corresponding response articles, interviews, reviews, and commentary published at E-IR.

China and the South China Sea Disputes

Truong-Minh Vu and Nguyen The Phuong • Sep 9 2014 • Articles

Since the tension over the disputes in the South China Sea has been escalating in recent years, establishing a Code of Conduct has become a pressing need.

What We Don’t Teach Students in IR – But Should

Dylan Kissane • Sep 8 2014 • Articles

The thing that separates the best students from struggling ones is not the commitment to studies nor the ability to understand concepts, but the level of academic skills.

Interview – John Esposito

E-International Relations • Sep 8 2014 • Features

In this interview, Professor Esposito discusses his career, the current state of IR scholarship on Islam, the rise of the Islamic State, and the issue of Islamophobia.

Review – Enduring Conflict: Challenging the Signature of Peace and Democracy

Rebekka Friedman • Sep 7 2014 • Features

Although highly innovative and a recommended read, Little’s analysis of conflict should have been tested more rigorously against cases of non-violent conflict.

Food Insecurity and Unrest in the Arab Spring

Thomas Tree • Sep 7 2014 • Essays

Rapidly rising international food prices caused the urban middle class to experience acute food insecurity, which is linked to the unrest resulting in the Arab Spring.

Are Economic Sanctions a Viable Strategy for Coercing Another State?

Jon Regnart • Sep 6 2014 • Essays

Economic sanctions fail in most of their major ambitions, and their ethical justifications are based on a distorted form of consequentialist ethics.

The Iranian Nuclear programme: Impact on Regional Stability and Security

Umair Jamal • Sep 4 2014 • Essays

Deterrence theory is not compelling when applied to Iran and the Middle East: an Iranian nuclear weapon would destabilize the region and lead to proliferation and war.

Drones for Europe – Revisited

Andrea Gilli • Sep 4 2014 • Articles

If drones represent the future of warfare, by deciding to quit the race, Europe runs the risk of forcing itself into strategic and technological irrelevance.

Review – The Theory and Practice of Irregular Warfare

Lorenzo Zambernardi • Sep 3 2014 • Features

Mumford & Reis’ edited volume is something that needed to be written. Despite some shortcomings, it makes interesting reading for theorists, historians and policymakers.

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