Archive for 2014

Non-Western Perspectives on Constitutional Supremacy

Sheena Singh • Aug 8 2014 • Essays

Greater flexibility, vulnerability, and uncertainty differentiate constitutional supremacy in non-Western countries such as Turkey and India from Western nations.

Interview – Leo Panitch

E-International Relations • Aug 7 2014 • Features

Professor Panitch explains how he understands imperialism, discusses the value of democratic peace theory, and the inherent problems with US-led global capitalism.

Publicizing the US National Security State through Entertainment

David Grondin • Aug 6 2014 • Articles

In looking at the national security state entertainment complex, one can get to the core of the security and pop culture nexus in a more-than-representational way.

Review – Is International Affairs Too ‘Hard’ For Women?

Jenny M Lewis • Aug 6 2014 • Features

Tyler et al raise important issues, but Institutional strategies to address why so few women still make it to the top of international affairs in Australia are needed.

‘Alternative Development’ as a Policy to Combat Illegal Drug Production

Adam Barr • Aug 6 2014 • Essays

Alternative development programmes, and supply-side policies in general, have been ineffective in combating illegal drug production at the national and regional level.

Inoculating against Politics

Laura Routley • Aug 5 2014 • Articles

Development agencies have started to engage more with the political nature of development. However the nature of politics is that what is ‘right’ is always contestable.

The Arab Uprisings, Globalisation and Postmodernity

Ueli Staeger • Aug 5 2014 • Essays

The profane demands of Arab postmodernity did not reject the general idea of modernisation; they safeguarded a universal sense of amelioration and emancipation.

State Failure Characterised by the Westphalian Model of Sovereignty

James Bingham • Aug 5 2014 • Essays

The nature of sovereignty exposes the definition of state failure and, as such, the challenge to the Westphalian model that failed states represent.

Review – Putin’s Wars: The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism

Valerie Pacer • Aug 5 2014 • Features

Van Herpen expertly details the complicated legacy that empire has on the modern Russian state – and offers an important background to on-going events in Ukraine.

Tunisia’s Upcoming Elections amid Strategic Reshaping of Coalitions

Pietro Longo • Aug 5 2014 • Articles

To govern a country in transition that is facing several internal problems, stability is needed and could be reached by a deal between the two biggest parties.

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