Dr Sergiu Gherghina tasked his students to write blogs instead of essays in the hope that the task would embed new skills and perspectives.
Bentley’s analysis offers important insights about how politically loaded seemingly neutral idioms used in the war on terror are manipulated by the powers that be.
An inclusive and participatory democracy that would accommodate Iraq’s pluralistic society is the only way to counter ISIS and ensure Iraq’a stability and prosperity.
Ingalls’ translation of Mao’s poems and thought-provoking thesis have considerable merit, but readers will benefit most by approaching it with a critical eye.
With the number of Ebola cases in West Africa continuing to increase, coordinated national and international actions are required to try to stop the spread of disease.
The legacy left by the Islamic State may indeed be the creation of a new state in the region – but it is more likely to be a Kurdish state than one of its own.
If there is anything that the current humanitarian tragedy in Gaza teaches us about R2P, it is that history challenges the fulfillment of the international R2P agenda.
Online classes that reach an international audience are an effective tool for increasing awareness, stimulating research, and creating widely dispersed learning networks.
There is significant potential to link the global regimes for climate, biodiversity, trade, and water, in order to facilitate a broader sustainable development agenda.
Failed states signal that the Westphalian model lacks empirical support and is a simple political construction that deserves greater theoretical scrutiny.
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