Archive for 2014

Reviewing the Changing Situation of Women in Russian Society

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Dec 20 2014 • Essays

As the authoritarian grasp tightens in Russia, resistance to heteronormativity and neo-conservative gender rules has become difficult but necessary.

Review – Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity

Federica Caso • Dec 19 2014 • Features

Despite minor methodological shortcomings Rahman’s book is an excellent and stimulating work for readers who focus on the role identity plays in politics.

Political Legitimacy in Post-Tiananmen China

Clement Chen • Dec 19 2014 • Essays

Tiananmen, although isolated as a catalyst for subsequent domestic reforms in China, was only one of a number of structural factors which led to the China of today.

The Emergence and Cascading of Pope Francis’ Norm of Social Justice

Marianne Rozario • Dec 18 2014 • Essays

Since Pope Francis has restated the importance of social justice, this norm is going through a ‘life cycle’, and Catholics are beginning to accept and act upon it.

Gang Violence, Public Health, and Security in Honduras

Alexis Henshaw • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

Left unchecked, gang violence threatens to undo years of development work Honduras, and will lead to the further deterioration of physical and mental health.

Torture and the Failure of the International System

Jacob Kripp • Dec 18 2014 • Essays

The prevalence of torture represents a failure of the state-led, sovereignty-based international order. A move beyond torture requires a move beyond sovereignty.

Come Fly with Me: Airports and Geographies of Rendition

Klaus Dodds and Peter Adey • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

The airport has been a key site for investigating how the war on terror has manifested itself in terms of security and surveillance and monitoring the body and behavior.

Constructing a Realistic Cosmopolitanism

Chris Peys • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

World citizenship is not based upon a Utopian fantasy. Instead, world citizenship begins from the recognition that all people come from and exist within communities.

Legal Pluralism and Sharia: Implementing Islamic Law in States and Societies

Adel Elsayed Sparr • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

In the case of Sharia – apart from the necessary reinterpretation – the best alternative solution is not legal pluralism; it is to encourage political participation.

Pledging Allegiance to ISIS:  Who Benefits Most?

Mark N. Katz • Dec 17 2014 • Articles

Rivalries among jihadist movements will not bring about their downfall, but they will prevent the unified, worldwide jihadist movement that ISIS has sought to build.

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