Archive for 2014

Coalition ‘Victory’ in Iraq as a Result of the ‘Surge’ and ‘Anbar Awakening’

Adam Barr • Jul 12 2014 • Essays

The synergistic interaction between the ‘Anbar Awakening’ of 2006 and the surge of 2007 paved the way for U.S. withdrawal at the expense of a long term, stable, Iraq.

The Just War Tradition and Utopian Political Thought

Min Goo Lee • Jul 11 2014 • Essays

War is neither humane nor inhumane; it is merely human, and to elevate the phenomenon to a humane altitude is a utopian project beyond mankind’s present reach.

The Economy is Organic: Reclaiming the Post-Crisis Development Agenda

Floriane Borel • Jul 11 2014 • Essays

To correctly assess contemporary reevaluations of development theory, we must understand its origins and their effect on how the global community views development today.

Rwanda’s Mediation of Memorialization through Community-Based Sociotherapy

Twenty years after the Rwandan genocide, the implementation of sociotherapy, and its focus on empathy and care, is helping genocide survivors deal with painful memories.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan’s Non-Apologies to the Armenians and Kurds

Fatma Müge Göçek • Jul 7 2014 • Articles

The lukewarm responses of the Armenian state and Kurdish and Armenian social groups reveal that Erdoğan’s statements were merely political statements, not apologies.

The Rise of East Asian Higher Education and Science

Simon Marginson • Jul 6 2014 • Articles

With a growing proportion of new knowledge coming from Asia, the world will soon realise that the dragon has arrived to reshape the knowledge economy.

A Critical Evaluation of the Concept of Human Security

Luke Johns • Jul 5 2014 • Essays

Critics of human security argue that its adoption has done little to change the behaviour of states or alleviate pressures of everyday life of the most vulnerable.

The Advantages and Limitations of Single Case Study Analysis

Ben Willis • Jul 5 2014 • Essays

Single case study analyses offer empirically-rich, context-specific, holistic accounts and contribute to both theory-building and, to a lesser extent, theory-testing.

The Role of Victimisation in the Vietnam-China War of Words

Huong Le Thu • Jul 5 2014 • Articles

Analysis of Vietnamese and Chinese mass media reveals how the narrative of victimization is an important tool for gaining international support in the current dispute.

Ukraine and the Interwoven Interests of America, Russia, and the EU

Roland Benedikter • Jul 5 2014 • Articles

Ukraine is crucial for the future global strategies of the US, Russia, and the EU. Conflicting approaches to the crisis should not mask the interwoven interests.

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