Archive for 2014

Questions of Gender and International Relations

Therese Etten • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Conventional theories of IR have not taken gender into account. This is in part due to a state-centric focus and an exclusive conception of gender in the field.

The Domestic and Ideational Sources of the European Defence Community’s Defeat

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Rather than a realist explanation for France’s defeat of its own EDC proposal, we must delve into the constructivist realm of identity and historical determinism.

Approaching 2015: How to Assess Erdoğan’s Statement on the Armenian Genocide?

Taner Akcam • Jun 4 2014 • Articles

Prime Minister Erdoğan’s statement on the Armenian Genocide elevated previous utterances made by government officials to the level of Turkey’s official position.

Why Is a Small State Like Georgia Important for the USA, the EU and Russia?

Tamta Utiashvili • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Newcomer Georgia became an arena of confrontation between the USA, the EU and Russia due to its geostrategic location, political developments and strategic orientation.

France’s Olive Branch Strategy and the 2011 Ivoirian Crisis

Susan Poni Lado • Jun 3 2014 • Essays

As Africa diversifies its external relations, France has acted under the abode of multilateral institutions in order to advance her geostrategic imperatives.

UN Peacekeeping in Darfur: A ‘Quagmire’ That We Cannot Accept

James Sloan • Jun 3 2014 • Articles

The Security Council must move away from its policy of militarized peacekeeping in favour of doing something that may actually work in alleviating human suffering.

Review – Balkan Genocides: Holocaust and Ethnic Cleansing

Melanie O'Brien • Jun 3 2014 • Features

Mojzes’ analysis of Balkan genocides of the 20th Century imparts vital facts on mass violence, but is dented by insufficient knowledge of legal frameworks.

Our Shocked Regard: The Act of Killing and the Indonesian Genocide

Simon Philpott • Jun 2 2014 • Articles

Joshua Oppenheimer’s unique and disturbing ‘The Act of Killing’ examines the Indonesian genocide of the 1960s. The film succeeds and fails in equal measures.

Self-Determination, Relational Autonomy, and Transnational Mediation

Roderic Pitty • Jun 1 2014 • Articles

The main obstacle to restoring Indigenous self-determination is that governments face only occasional external pressure to uphold the principles of the UN Declaration.

Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The Politics of the Bitcoin Blockchain

Brett Scott • Jun 1 2014 • Articles

You do not escape the world of big government by wishing for a trustless set of technologies that collectively resemble a technocratic crypto-sovereign.

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