Archive for 2014

Review – Jihadi Culture on the World Wide Web

Anne Stenersen • Jun 1 2014 • Features

Ramsay’s analysis of online jihadi culture challenges current assumptions about this phenomenon and examines its limited translation to real world violence.

Conflict or Civil War? Conceptualizing the Conflict in Afghanistan

Raghav Sharma • May 30 2014 • Articles

The classification of the conflict in Afghanistan over the course of the 1990s as a “civil war” obscures international culpability in protracting the armed conflict.

Implementing Indigenous Self-Determination: The Case of the Sámi in Norway

Else Grete Broderstad • May 30 2014 • Articles

A relational approach is required because the strengthening of indigenous political participation depends on greater space for dialogue and shared understandings.

Māori Self-determination and a Liberal Theory of Indigeneity

Dominic O'Sullivan • May 30 2014 • Articles

Liberal democracy succeeds only when people have reason to share confidence in the system’s capacity to distribute power and authority fairly, reasonably, & inclusively.

Iran 1978-1979: Reflections on Intelligence Failure

Adam Moscoe • May 30 2014 • Essays

The failure of the US intelligence community to predict the Islamic Revolution in Iran offers lessons that remain relevant today in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’.

A Tale of Two Partitions: The First Indo-Pakistani War and the Palestine War

Christopher Klune • May 28 2014 • Essays

The potentiality of statehood provided by partition filled the nation building fervor of Hindus, Muslims, Arabs, and Jews.

Review – China Airborne: The Test of China’s Future

Erik Lindell • May 28 2014 • Features

Fallows’ insightful analysis examines not only the Chinese aviation industry, but Chinese politics at large and the inherent limitations to its development model.

Interview – Johan Galtung

E-International Relations • May 27 2014 • Features

Professor Johan Galtung discusses his career, offers his thoughts on the crisis in Crimea, UN peacekeeping missions and offers advice for young scholars of IR.

The Palestinian Narrative of Reconciliation

Atef Alshaer • May 27 2014 • Articles

The Hamas-Fatah reconciliation, if implemented, will have serious consequences for the Palestinians who have been deeply hurt by the division and its ramifications.

China & the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Tibetan Case

Michael C. Davis • May 27 2014 • Articles

Until China acknowledges its international obligations and stops using sovereignty as a shield, the deplorable human rights situation in Tibet seems destined to continue.

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