Archive for 2014

National Security and the Threat of Climate Change

Toby Fenton • May 14 2014 • Essays

Though national security frameworks may hinder pragmatic cooperation, securitising climate change is advantageous in planning for a clear and increasingly present danger.

Is the Threat of Al-Qaeda Over for Europe?

Conor Heffernan • May 14 2014 • Essays

While the supposed decline of Al-Qaeda has been discussed for many years, Al-Qaeda is not only still relevant, but also still a threat to Europe.

Review – Reinventing Global Democracy

Theresa Squatrito • May 13 2014 • Features

Scholte’s article, though inviting several questions, provides a solid starting point for how to reinvent global democracy in the face of the complexity of today’s world.

A Generation in Need of Hope

Jeremi Suri • May 13 2014 • Articles

When wealthy and established people begin nurturing hope, rather than fear, will we see the renaissance of youth creativity in politics that our world desperately needs.

On the Meaning of Restoring Indigenous Self-Determination

Marc Woons • May 13 2014 • Articles

Restoring Indigenous self-determination must also – or primarily – be about Indigenous peoples asserting themselves and promoting healing from within.

Explaining Yugoslavia’s Turn to Non-Alignment

Matt Finucane • May 13 2014 • Essays

While an instinct for survival dictated the turn to neutralism, it was Yugoslav ideology and unparalleled experience of global affairs that turned them to nonalignment.

Foucault and International Relations

Philippe Fournier • May 12 2014 • Articles

Though Michel Foucault remains a somewhat marginalized figure within international relations, the critical ethos he left behind has greatly inspired IR scholars.

Oil and Protests in Venezuela

Fabiana Perera • May 12 2014 • Articles

While oil does not seem to be contributing domestically to Maduro’s staying in power, it is providing important leverage internationally that allows him to carry on.

Is the Saudi-U.S. Relationship “Broken”?

Anna Viden • May 9 2014 • Articles

Despite misalignment on certain crucial issues, the Saudi-U.S. strategic alliance is not “broken”. Most of the main pillars of the relationship are still relevant.

Four Steps to Support English Language Learners in an IR Classroom

Daniel Clausen • May 9 2014 • Articles

In an IR classroom, is there anything beyond empathy and courtesy from an educator that can help students who are struggling?

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