Archive for 2014

Examining the UN World Intellectual Property Organization

Kathy Bowrey • May 9 2014 • Articles

Drawing significance from the World Intellectual Property Organization data is affected by how one thinks about their own future in the global economy.

Interview – Nicholas Onuf

E-International Relations • May 9 2014 • Features

Professor Onuf discusses the professionalization of scholarship, the influence of his book ‘World of Our Making,’ and the top ten tips for flourishing in academia.

Erdoğan’s Condolences: Too Little, Too Late within a Steadily Changing Context

Ara Sanjian • May 8 2014 • Articles

Many Armenians believe that Erdoğan’s condolences constitute too little at this stage and do not provide hope for any major breakthrough in Armenian-Turkish relations.

The Failures of Bystanders to Prevent or Stop the Genocide in Rwanda

Part of the responsibility for the 1994 Rwandan genocide lies with the bystanders who watched the event unfold and did little to prevent it from happening.

The Anzac Myth and Australian National Identity

Jed Donoghue and Bruce Tranter • May 8 2014 • Articles

Rather than recognise foundation heroes, Australians celebrate the deeds of WW1 soldiers. These ‘Anzacs’ have become an integral part of national identity.

The Unipolar Moment Continues

Lisa Holz • May 8 2014 • Essays

The United States continues to hold over-whelming dominance in all the elements that define a ‘pole’. The ‘unipolar moment’ is what the United States makes of it.

State-building and Fragility of Personality-dependent Political Order

Zubair Popalzai • May 7 2014 • Articles

There is a need for political imagination that goes beyond immediate security interests, political and military transitions, and reconciliation with insurgent groups.

Afraid to Argue

Dylan Kissane • May 7 2014 • Articles

French students find it difficult, if not impossible, to write what they ‘think’ about a subject or issue. Instead, they tend to only demonstrate how much they ‘know’.

Negotiating the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Lessons Learnt

Lisa Farrah Ho • May 7 2014 • Essays

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a model for future disarmament negotiations due to its patience and focus on humanitarianism and broad engagement.

Review – Revisiting Intelligence and Policy

Maarten Broekhof • May 6 2014 • Features

Marrin’s edited volume offers some potentially interesting arguments about the ‘politicisation’ of intelligence, but is ultimately a static and disjointed collection.

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