Archive for 2014

Edited Collection – Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics

E-International Relations • Dec 11 2014 • Features

This collection addresses common questions about Political Islam and provides an assessment of ISIS/ISIL in order to challenge common understandings of Islam and democracy.

The Impact of Roy Bhaskar and Critical Realism on International Relations

Jonathan Joseph • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

At a time when new approaches are either knowingly or unknowingly touching on critical realist themes, Bhaskar’s contributions are poorly represented in the literature.

Holiday Gifts for IR Professors

Dylan Kissane • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

Dan Drezner offered a gift guide for political scientists in the Washington Post last week. In the same spirit, here are some ideas for the IR professor in your life.

China Dreamin’

Michael Barr • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

The ‘China Dream’ and the confucian revival both appeal to a halcyon era but underlying them is a much deeper problem: what does it mean to be Chinese today?

Review – Leo Strauss: Man of Peace

Michael Di Gregorio • Dec 7 2014 • Features

Howse uses language that elucidates the importance of ‘the international’ in Strauss’s thinking, but at the same time is accessible for a general, educated audience.

“Lat Does Not Exist”: The Last Testament of a Dead Village

Lois Kapila • Dec 6 2014 • Articles

In India debates rage over how to handle the dilemma of development-induced displacement. Each year 15m people find themselves placed in the way of desired dams or mines.

Scotland: If Not Independence Then a Federacy?

Eve Hepburn • Dec 5 2014 • Articles

If Scotland were to go down the federacy route, the old-age debate of whether or not Europe can be viewed as a part of its domestic competences would return.

What Would a Fair Immigration Policy Look Like?

Jake Brown • Dec 3 2014 • Essays

If one denies the right to enter, so too they deny the right to leave; a fair immigration policy is one which employs open borders and relaxed restrictions.

Review – Classics of International Relations

Shannon Brincat • Nov 29 2014 • Features

Despite the many stellar chapters in Bliddal, Sylvest and Weston’s volume, it is the exclusions that ultimately reflect the lack of diversity of the IR ‘classics’ field.

What’s So Bad about Citizenship Testing?

Katherine Tonkiss • Nov 28 2014 • Articles

Citizenship tests construct an ideal remote to the majority of citizens and noncitizens. They reinforce the constructions of difference which deepen divisions in society.

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