Archive for 2014

Will the Caribbean’s Reparations Claim Succeed?

Peter Clegg • Apr 7 2014 • Articles

The Caribbean countries have attempted to link their present-day ills to the role of slavery and colonial rule, and seek reparations as part of a new development agenda.

The Power of Peace: Why 1814 Might Matter More than 1914

Stella Ghervas and David Armitage • Apr 7 2014 • Articles

This year marks not only the centenary of the First World War, but the bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna. The contrast between memories of these events is striking.

Venezuela in the Firing Line of Threats to Democratic Stability in Latin America

Resistance to Hugo Chavez’s agenda obscures the fact that the system he upended did not reflect popular yearnings for economic prosperity, social justice, and democracy.

Veiled Colonialism: A Feminist Criticism of the Half the Sky Movement

Sophia Chong • Apr 7 2014 • Essays

By exercising both the Western colonialist stance and discursive colonialism, “Half the Sky” acts as a roadblock for the very women it supports.

Yemen’s Water Scarcity as a Threat to National Security

Susanne Hartmann • Apr 6 2014 • Essays

Within the past couple decades, the discourse surrounding water scarcity in Yemen has shifted; this scarcity is now seen as a contributing threat to national security.

Review – The Domestic Sources of European Foreign Policy

Steven Robinson • Apr 6 2014 • Features

Serrano emphasises the importance of domestic politics in shaping policy decisions at the EU level, an influence that has not always been empirically justified.

Is Nuclear Technology the Answer to Asia’s Energy Future?

anon • Apr 5 2014 • Essays

Asia’s energy future depends on increasing energy efficiency, reducing fossil fuel imports, and increasing the role of renewable and nuclear energies.

Rhetoric, Perspectives, and Reactions of the Soviet Union to US-China Relations

Adam Moscoe • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

By lacking a coherent strategy, the Soviet Union failed to acknowledge the possibility that the US could be seeking an easing of tensions with both communist superpowers.

Can Small Nations Still Feel Secure after the Annexation of Crimea?

Heiko Pääbo • Apr 4 2014 • Articles

In order to restore security of small states, it should be made clear that geopolitical thinking and behind-the-back deal-making is not a norm in international relations.

Contemporary Petitioning and Chinese Internet Censorship

Tae Eon Ahn • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

Current Chinese Internet censorship efforts resemble a petitioning (complaint) system Chinese leaders have employed in various forms since the Zhou dynasty.

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