Archive for 2014

Direction: Thessaloniki

Dylan Kissane • Mar 25 2014 • Articles

The World Congress of Political Science is to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece. Hopefully, some good things will come out of the planned trip and the conference.

There Is Ample Scope for the Student Consumer to Demand Better

Unileaks UK • Mar 25 2014 • Articles

Given the high price of a university education, and the likelihood of a large loan to be repaid, the student consumer is naturally concerned to obtain value for money.

Review – 1989 as a Political World Event

Flavia Gasbarri • Mar 25 2014 • Features

The peculiarity of Rupnik’s collection is its focus on 1989 as “world event”, although the manifestly Euro-centric perspective does not permit a truly extensive analysis.

A Human Security Approach to Addressing Piracy Off the Coast of Africa

Allan McRae • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

A naval approach to Somali piracy is & will continue to be ineffective – it doesn’t address its root causes. Piracy will continue without a human security approach.

Is Learning Violent?

Lucile Cremier • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

Schooling, which is the institutionalization of learning, is structurally and instrinsically violent, but learning itself need not be a violent or oppressive process.

What Does it Mean to ‘Engender’ the Study of Borders?

Heena Mohammed • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

By engendering border studies, we can better recognise the impact of gender on status, access to resources, political participation and the formation of state policies.

Religion and International Relations: Critical Ways Forward?

Robert M. Bosco • Mar 24 2014 • Articles

Scholars of religion in International Relations, casting for new ways forward, would be well-served to explore critical avenues, both traditional and contemporary.

Crisis in Venezuela: Will Anybody Support Democracy?

Nicolas Falomir Lockhart • Mar 24 2014 • Articles

While polarisation in society and government has led to unsustainable social fracture, a lack of regional support suggests Venezuelan democracy has been left on its own.

India and the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit

Reshmi Kazi • Mar 24 2014 • Articles

India must play a crucial role in the Hague Nuclear Security Summit to assure the world its nuclear security and safety is dealt with by a responsible nation.

Democratisation and Post-conflict State-building in Sierra Leone and Rwanda

Daria Jarczewska • Mar 23 2014 • Essays

Pursuing democratic principles, if they are driven by commitment to mediating values, has great potential to contribute to the success of post-conflict transitions.

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