Archive for 2014

Courting Controversy

Dylan Kissane • Mar 11 2014 • Articles

In an IR classroom, it is fine for a professor to share their political views, but there are times when it makes more sense for the professor to refrain from sharing.

Who Wants to Go to a Hot War Zone? The Relationship between War and Tourism

Mark Piekarz • Mar 11 2014 • Articles

While war tourism is not new, analyses that take into account the ‘heat’ of the location and motivations of the war tourist can teach us new things about the phenomenon.

Bull’s Critique of Hobbesian International Anarchy

Sarah Wallace • Mar 11 2014 • Essays

Hedley Bull’s critique and utilisation of Hobbes’ theory of international anarchy provides a coherent and realistic explanation of the international system.

What is Political Islam?

Muqtedar Khan • Mar 10 2014 • Articles

Regardless of the success or failure of political Islam, Muslims will seek to politicize Islam in search for cultural independence and authenticity in social structures.

Moblization and Deliberation. EU for the Citizens?

Óscar García Agustín • Mar 10 2014 • Articles

EU measures to mitigate the ‘democratic deficit’ have been largely insufficient to date, rather the role of deliberation should be to include alternative discourses.

Street Gangs in Central America: Combating them with Intelligence Fusion Centers

Thomas Bruneau • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

The intelligence fusion center has proved successful in the US, and could prove useful in the Northern Triangle of Central America in the fight against street gangs.

Revisiting ‘Responsibility to Protect’ after Libya and Syria

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

R2P contains glaring theoretical drawbacks and its practice by Western powers creates the scope for a mix up of humanitarian concerns with their strategic interests.

The 2014 General Elections & Prospects for India’s Foreign Policy

Jivanta Schöttli • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

India’s policy makers and strategists will rely on a revival of the economy to provide India with the basis for a more robust and proactive foreign policy.

The Constitutional Process in Egypt and Tunisia

Lise Storm • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

Tunisia has faced a genuine regime change, while Egypt has merely witnessed a series of rotations of authoritarian leaders badly masking themselves as democrats.

Why is Controlling the Spread of Nuclear Weapons So Difficult?

Matt Finucane • Mar 8 2014 • Essays

Controlling the spread of nuclear weapons remains an impossibility, for as history has shown, more often than not those states which desire them will achieve them.

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