Archive for 2014

Demographics, Perceptions & the Weakening Securitisation of the US-Mexico Border

Matthew Fowle • Nov 28 2014 • Essays

In recent years, American audiences have grown sceptical on the securitisation of the US-Mexico border, and indeed, the broader discourse on immigration and security.

The (Limited) Geopolitical Implications of the US Energy Boom

Diego Pagliarulo • Nov 27 2014 • Articles

The “energy revolution” is making the United States more secure in economic terms, but the geopolitical implications of this new energy boom are uncertain and risky.

Giving Thanks

Dylan Kissane • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

On this Thanksgiving Day a professor like me has a lot to be thankful for, as does anyone else who is rich, free, and alive all at the same time.

Strategic Offensive Weapons and the International System

Davis Florick • Nov 26 2014 • Essays

Globalization has reduced the importance of space in geopolitics, but Iraq, Iran and North Korea have developed capabilities to increase the value of space.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place? EU-Armenia Relations after Vilnius

Günter Walzenbach • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

Economic rapprochement between Russia and the West is unlikely to occur so long as Putin pursues his pet project – the Eurasian Customs Union.

War in Video Games – Between Reality and Entertainment

Michael Hitchens • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

Entertainment is not, and should not need to be, education. It is the responsibility of any society to ensure that its members are capable of separating the two.

The Impacts of Rising China on Global Economic Governance

Jiun Da Lin • Nov 25 2014 • Essays

Though currently harmonised, China’s preferences as a rising economic power have become an important determinant of global economic governance.

Turkey, the Islamic State, and the Kurdistan Liberation Movement

Joost Jongerden and Bahar Şimşek • Nov 24 2014 • Articles

The congruence IS seeks to create between culture and geography resembles the development of a modern nation-state more than many might be willing to admit.

Local Governance and the “Arab Spring”: A Guide to Libya’s Political Transition

Nick Zukowski • Nov 24 2014 • Essays

Assessing the extent and characteristics of the impact of the “Arab Spring” on the political trajectory of Libya has proven a difficult task.

Nuclear Deal with Iran: Worth It or Not?

Mostafa Mousavipour • Nov 23 2014 • Articles

If there is an opportunity for the US and Iran to drop their sloganeering and meet halfway to lay the groundwork for meaningful relations, it is worth trying now.

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