Archive for 2014

Geopolitics or Delusions? The Dilemmas of American Policy in the Persian Gulf

Diego Pagliarulo • Mar 7 2014 • Articles

The political evolution of the Gulf, and for that matter of the whole Middle East, is something that policymakers in Washington can neither ignore nor control.

The Fracturing of the Syrian Resistance Coalition and the Tripolar Civil War

David Reas • Mar 7 2014 • Essays

The transformation of the Syrian Civil War from a bipolar to a tripolar conflict came from incompatible visions of Syria’s future within the Syrian Resistance Coalition.

Egypt’s New Constitution: A Mixed Bag

Aly El Shalakany • Mar 6 2014 • Articles

The new Egyptian constitution is a mix of progressive and regressive elements. Its success depends on the willingness of the judiciary and military to support reforms.

Review – The New Continentalism

Kendrick Kuo • Mar 6 2014 • Features

Calder offers a fresh take on Eurasian integration, widening the scope of inquiry into the realms of comparative politics and international political economy.

Assessing How Far Democracy in South Africa is Liberal or Illiberal

Bryant Edward Harden • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Despite facing problems with development and achieving the high standards prescribed its constitution, South Africa still has the attributes of a liberal democracy.

Russia, Ukraine, and the Testing of American Hegemony

Robert W. Murray and Luke M. Herrington • Mar 6 2014 • Articles

In response to Russia’s aggression in Crimea the US must take into account the strategic realities of the international system.

The International System as Social Construct

Tim Pfefferle • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

In contrast to Neorealist framings, there are clear indications that intersubjective meanings and social identities shape the international system in multiple ways.

John Mearsheimer’s Theory of Offensive Realism and the Rise of China

Sverrir Steinsson • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Lacking internal coherence, Mearsheimer’s theory ultimately fails to provide a logically consistent basis for the view that China’s rise will be unpeaceful.

Federalism as Peace-Building: Searching for Solutions to the Conflict in Yemen

Alexandra Lewis • Mar 5 2014 • Articles

In its current form, it is difficult to read federalism as a long-term peace-building solution in the midst of Yemen’s on-going conflicts and insecurity.

What It Means to Say “Crisis” in Politics and Law

Laura Henderson • Mar 5 2014 • Articles

Crisis discourse creates a rupture and can lead to hegemonic change. It not only affects politicians, but also has to do with the judiciary and law.

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