Archive for 2014

Balance of Power Theory in Today’s International System

Meicen Sun • Feb 12 2014 • Essays

Even if accept the premise that the balance of power is less applicable to unipolarity than to multipolarity and bipolarity, this hardly affects its relevance to our world.

The International Humanitarian Law Implications of the ‘Tallinn Manual’

Nam Khoa Nguyen • Feb 12 2014 • Essays

Despite some significant issues, the Tallin Manual still provides a foundation to assess the legality of cyber warfare in international and non-international armed conflict.

Of Great Debates and the History of IR: Why the ‘Great Debate’ Story is Wrong

Lucian M. Ashworth • Feb 12 2014 • Articles

Like our stories of a lost Arthurian world, the realist-idealist debate is a recent story that says more about IR over the last three decades than it does about the past.

Syria and the Crisis of Humanitarian Intervention

Michael Aaronson • Feb 11 2014 • Articles

The human suffering in the Syrian crisis since February 2011 is, above all, a tragedy for the Syrian people, but also demonstrably a crisis of international intervention.

The Delhi Sultanate’s Treatment of Hindus

Christopher Klune • Feb 11 2014 • Essays

The Delhi Sultanate’s policies toward Hindus set the stage for the cultural pluralism that defines the modern-day Indian sub-continent.

The ‘Student as Customer’ Phenomenon

Stephen McGlinchey • Feb 9 2014 • Articles

The customer, like the student, is not always right. For that reason, there are implications to the way staff handle student complaints in an age of costly tuition fees.

Terrorism: A Definition and Analysis

Luke Johns • Feb 9 2014 • Essays

An agreed definition of terrorism is needed. This definition should consider state-actors, the wider targets, and desire for behavior-motivation that underlies its motives.

A Case-Study of Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt

Maryam Abdullah • Feb 9 2014 • Essays

Cultural relativism and universalism have yet to overcome cultural traditions which result in human harm. By balancing the two, there is potential for progress.

R2P in Syria: Regional Dimensions

David Carment and Joe Landry • Feb 8 2014 • Articles

Regional dynamics have played a critical role in the response to the civil war in Syria. They will continue to dominate attempts to move forward with a political solution.

Syria Teaches Us Little About Questions of Military Intervention

Luke Glanville • Feb 7 2014 • Articles

To some, the international response to the Syrian crisis has meant the end of the R2P. But the lack of intervention in Syria teaches us little about the intervention norm.

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