Archive for 2014

How ‘Westphalian’ is the Westphalian Model?

Camille Mulcaire • Feb 3 2014 • Essays

The accepted IR narrative of Westphalia is a myth: the Westphalian model has little, if anything, to do with the Peace of Westphalia from which the model gets its name.

Modifying China’s One-Child Policy

Martin King Whyte • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

Although the 2013 change to China’s one-child policy is a relatively trivial one from a demographic perspective, its real value lies in its political and symbolic importance.

The End of Great Debates?

Brian C. Schmidt • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

The story of great debates is a dominant part of the self-image of IR. The contours of a new debate over whether we have reached the end of IR theory is already taking shape.

Syria: Par for the Course

Daniel Serwer • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

When all else fails, an agreement to meet again is trumpeted as success. If the talks fail, they should do so in a way that leaves open the possibility of reconvening.

Elections in Bangladesh: Political Conflict and the Problem of Credibility

Jasmin Lorch • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

The recent election in Bangladesh was accompanied with credibility issues and conflict, and comprehensive political dialogue will be necessary to break the political deadlock.

After Syria, Whither R2P?

Thomas G. Weiss and Giovanna Kuele • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

The response to the Syria crisis shames the international community. But it does not mean that we have heard the death knell of the responsibility to protect.

The Khobragade Fiasco and the State of Diplomatic Immunity

Uma Purushothaman • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

The Devyani Khobragade incident has highlighted the larger issue of diplomatic immunity, with the India-U.S. spat arising out of differing interpretations of this concept.

Have the Norms of Sovereignty Altered to Provide for Humanitarian Interventions?

Riccardo Trobbiani • Jan 31 2014 • Essays

The only humanitarian interventions that seem to be widely accepted are those authorised by the Security Council under the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

New Site, New Voices, Same Purpose

Robert W. Murray • Jan 30 2014 • Articles

The relaunch of this blog is going to introduce some exciting new elements and an all-star cast of regular contributors from across the world to ignite dialogue on key issues.

China Dams the World: The Environmental and Social Impacts of Chinese Dams

Frauke Urban and Johan Nordensvard • Jan 30 2014 • Articles

China’s dam-building in the Greater Mekong is not only a challenge for the host country, but creates wider international concerns about environmental and social practices.

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