Archive for 2014

What NSA Leaks Reveal about Ethics in America’s Intelligence Community

Michael Andregg • Jan 12 2014 • Articles

American intelligence community employees are devoted to the welfare of their countries and citizens, but they must deal with bureaucracies that often punish people who act on ethical insights.

The Legitimation of the State: Constitutionalism and Recognition

Finian Cullity • Jan 12 2014 • Essays

The sovereign nation-state has been the central subject of inquiry in academic IR since its inception, but the historical evolution of the concept of the state has been, until recently, neglected.

The Effect of Conspiracy Theories on the Central Intelligence Agency

Kathryn Olmsted • Jan 12 2014 • Articles

Conspiracy theories are seldom conducive to good policy-making, and they have harmed the reputation and reduced the power of U.S. government secret agencies, especially the CIA.

Review – Bombshell: The Many Faces of Women Terrorists

Marla Brettschneider • Jan 10 2014 • Features

Mia Bloom’s Bombshell is an important contribution to the literature on the varied roles women perform in organized violence networks outside the formal structure of the state.

Review – Religion and American Exceptionalism

Chin-Kuei Tsui • Jan 10 2014 • Features

The authors provide a critical lens through which readers can examine the history and discursive origins of American exceptionalism – that is, a narrative which illustrates who Americans are.

The Neo-Neo Debate in International Relations Theory

Tim Pfefferle • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

By engaging in closed-off discussion, Neorealists and Neoliberals perpetuate orthodoxy rather than making gains in IR scholarship. The limitations of this debate should be acknowledged.

European Integration and Security Epistemic Communities

Mai’a K. Davis Cross • Jan 9 2014 • Articles

Cohesive epistemic communities are more likely to be persuasive diplomatic actors, achieving security goals that would have otherwise been very difficult if left to the member states alone.

Accountability vs Stability? Assessing the ICC’s Intervention In Kenya

Maurice Dunaiski • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

The ICC’s involvement in Kenya suggests that accountability efforts are compatible with reconciliation and stabilization efforts in the wake of massive human rights abuses.

The Potential of Social Network Analysis in Intelligence

Kristan J. Wheaton and Melonie K. Richey • Jan 9 2014 • Articles

Within its limits, SNA can be applied to identify individuals or organizations within a network, generate new leads and simulate flows of information or money throughout a network.

Modern Militaries and a Network Centric Warfare Approach

Jonjo Robb • Jan 9 2014 • Essays

To enhance a military’s war-fighting capability and to increase the likelihood of success in operations, a network-centric approach to military operations is paramount.

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