Archive for 2015

The Remnants of the Japanese Occupation of Modern Indonesia

Alexander Vincent Beck • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

While Dutch occupation saw Indonesia divided and ruled, policy under Japan had a unifying effect on Indonesian society and stimulated its revolt.

How Has the Human Rights Regime Been Affected by 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’?

Vilde Skorpen Wikan • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

No evidence continues to exist that states’ prioritization of security interests over international norms has disrupted the institutions of the human rights regime.

How Does Science Diplomacy Cope with Challenges Facing Diplomacy More Broadly?

Edwina Hollander • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

Diplomacy and science diplomacy are vulnerable to the machinations of states and the repercussions of this interaction at the domestic, bilateral and multilateral levels.

US–Iran “Special” Relations Between 2001 and 2003: Friends or Foes?

Wael Zammit • Aug 30 2015 • Essays

The US and Iran’s past has greatly affected the nature of their relationship as each country insisted on viewing the other side from different and opposing perspectives.

Moving on After Congress Votes on the Iran Deal

Matthew S. Cohen • Aug 30 2015 • Articles

Iran is an important country. The US should engage with Iran, with well-considered protections in place, while being sure to protect and reassure our allies.

Parliamentary Elections in Sri Lanka: Entrenching Democratic Change

Siegfried O. Wolf • Aug 29 2015 • Articles

The time has come that politicians have to deliver good governance instead of covering misrule and autocratic political behaviour under the shadows of ethnic outbidding.

Why the Iran Nuclear Deal Will Not Transform USA-Iran Relations

Monish Tourangbam and Ramu C.M. • Aug 28 2015 • Articles

It is too early for a substantial change in the US-Iran status quo; but despite skepticism, there is no denying that the nuclear deal is a diplomatic breakthrough.

Review – The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Aug 28 2015 • Features

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. provides an opportunity for IR scholars to experience a fictionalized account of global security cooperation during the 1960s in this new movie.

Edited Collection – Nations under God: The Geopolitics of Faith in the 21st Century

E-International Relations • Aug 26 2015 • Features

Over 30 leading scholars focus on the complex roles that religions play in world affairs and move beyond the simplistic narratives and polemics which swamp the discourse.

IR Theory, Method, and Training: Toward a Polyglot Culture?

Daniel Clausen • Aug 25 2015 • Articles

Central to learning is the question of whether it is better to know something deeply or to know a little bit about something in order to get by when the occasion arises.

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