Archive for 2015

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E-International Relations • Aug 19 2015 • Features

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The Iran Opportunity for India

Uma Purushothaman • Aug 19 2015 • Articles

The Iran nuclear deal opens up a world of opportunities of both strategic and commercial nature for India, which has civilisational links with Iran.

It’s Time for China’s Lesbians to Speak for Themselves

Yujie Guo • Aug 18 2015 • Articles

Lesbians have to believe that their marginal identity is powerful and strong, and that this can bring about a serious challenge and change to the patriarchal system.

Towards a Queer Political Economy of Sex Work

Katy Pilcher, Nicola Smith and Mary Laing • Aug 18 2015 • Articles

Queering sex work creates room to examine the potential fluidity of gender and sexual power relations in the interactions between sex workers and their customers.

Counterinsurgency and Female Engagement Teams in the War in Afghanistan

Gabrielle Cook • Aug 16 2015 •

Female Engagement Teams are the most resourceful way to engage with the female population of a host nation with dissimilar gender norms.

Thrice in a Century: The Canadian Military Involvement in Europe from 1951-1991

Emily Tsui • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

Canada’s military involvement in Europe from 1951-1991 was to protect its diplomatic image, contribute to international security, and protect its economic interests.

Do Regional Organisations Provide an Alternative to UN Peace Operations?

Andreas Fabian • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

ROs do not provide a credible alternative to the UN because the advantages are far outstripped by serious financial, logistical, and political obstacles they face.

The Challenges of Equitable International Burden-sharing

Péter Marton • Aug 14 2015 • Articles

There has to be agreement among burden-sharing actors not only that a certain goal is desirable but also regarding the ways and means of achieving said end.

Review – Providing for National Security: A Comparative Analysis

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 13 2015 • Features

Although there is much of value in this title, its attention to the usual suspects of big to medium powers should instead be focused on North Africa and the Middle East.

Weddings and Funerals: The Paradox in China’s Developing LGBT Community

Gang Li • Aug 12 2015 • Articles

Queer comrades should ‘come out’ again, change from being isolated individuals in closed small circles and limited groups, and form a real community.

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