Archive for 2015

Are Migration Policies in Europe and America Creating More or Less 

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Aug 11 2015 • Essays

The EU and the US are increasingly portraying immigrant populations as threats to a nation’s security both in physical and figurative senses.

Kurds, Democracy and a New Coalition Government

Kubilay Yado Arin • Aug 11 2015 • Articles

The Turkish election results validate the path towards a political solution to the Kurdish question and point towards further Kurdish unity in the region.

Classical Realism and Human Nature: An Alternative Reading

Michal Ovádek • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

A historically complete genealogy of human nature would help clarify the diversity behind the realist trivialization of differences between the various conceptions.

Dean Acheson’s Observation of Great Britain in 1962

Rita Deliperi • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

Despite 50 years passing, Dean Acheson’s belief about Great Britain still re-echoes in the British political debate: the hunt for a role has not reached its closure.

Shared Stewardship: A Solomonic Solution to the South China Sea Conflict

Sass Rogando Sasot • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

The Biblical story of King Solomon and the two mothers can serve as a metaphorical tool to conceive a possible way out of the South China Sea impasse.

The New Generation of Chinese Feminists

Yaya Chen • Aug 9 2015 • Articles

China’s feminists have launched performances, demonstrations, and a national speaking tour, have organised workshops on different topics, recruited, trained new members.

Going to University, or Not?

Stephen McGlinchey • Aug 9 2015 • Articles

You will probably be working for the rest of your life, so make sure that the precious few years you spend in university are at a time when you can really enjoy it.

Interview – Patrick Salmon

E-International Relations • Aug 9 2015 • Features

Patrick Salmon reflects on the value of history to policy-making, answers questions about the roles of state historians, and talks about what IR could learn from history.

Anarchism and Non-Representational Theory in the Social Sciences

Tom Smith • Aug 7 2015 • Articles

While the British cybernetics movement remained marginalized, anarchism can be viewed with more relevance in a post-representational social scientific milieu.

What Do Chinese Youth Really Think about Gender?

Huili Meng • Aug 6 2015 • Articles

The post 90s Chinese can’t transcend the patriarchal power system, but evidence suggests that gender literacy is having a positive effect, building gender consciousness.

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