Archive for 2015

The Purpose of INDCs for an International Climate Agreement

Max Meulemann • Aug 5 2015 • Articles

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions are not a silver bullet to stop climate change, but they could serve as a stepping stone to a more comprehensive agreement.

Sacred Cows and the Idea of Political Economy in Southern Africa

Peter Vale • Aug 5 2015 • Articles

South African politics must move beyond narrow thinking and recognise political economy as a tool not only for sound analysis, but also for good policy-making.

Review – Neoliberal Hegemony and the Pink Tide in Latin America

Laurence Goodchild • Aug 4 2015 • Features

Rooted in a stimulating neo-Gramscian framework, Chodor’s analysis eschews generalizations and puts forward a compelling case for how the pink tide should be understood.

International Society in Theory and Practice

Joseph Rollwagen • Aug 4 2015 • Essays

The humanitarian intervention taking place in Iraq/Syria is demonstrative of a cosmopolitan understanding of human rights and norms within the international community.

Interview – Fawaz A. Gerges

E-International Relations • Aug 3 2015 • Features

Professor Gerges discusses Islam and nationalism, the way the Muslim Brotherhood contributed to radicalisation, and explains grassroots activism after the Arab Spring.

The Impact of the Geopolitics of Energy: China and Angola

Liam Fitzgerald • Aug 3 2015 • Essays

China and Angola illustrate that the geopolitics of energy adversely affect the prospects for development and democracy in energy-exporting states.

Is the Global Governance of International Migration Feasible and Desirable?

Talgat Turmaganbet • Aug 2 2015 • Essays

An urgent need exists to identify the shortcomings of the current institutionalised framework of the GGIM and involve states to strengthen these institutions.

Counter-terrorism: The Liberal Biopolitics of Securing Life

Ayshwarya Rajith Sriskanda Rajah • Aug 2 2015 • Articles

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 does not undermine liberal values and principles, because is in line with classical liberal thought on securing life.

Why Understanding Religion Matters in Post-conflict Zones

Denis Dragovic • Jul 31 2015 • Articles

Examining the doctrines of religious institutions can help understand their relation to the international community in times of conflict, peacebuilding and development.

Review – Land and Freedom

John Gledhill • Jul 30 2015 • Features

An excellent piece of comparative scholarship that pulls no critical punches when it comes to addressing the contradictions which underlie these rural movements.

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