Archive for 2015

Are Negotiations for the Paris Climate Meeting in 2015 Likely to Succeed?

Kabir Mehta • Jul 26 2015 • Essays

The hybrid and cumulative approach in the lead up to Paris appears to be the most promising mechanism for global political cooperation since the Copenhagen Accord of 2009

The Merits of Treating Severe and Systemic Poverty as a Human Rights Violation

Annelie Wambeek • Jul 26 2015 • Essays

Some of the merits of treating extreme poverty as a human rights violation empower the poor, assign accountability. and ensure non-discrimination.

String of Pearls: India and the Geopolitics of Chinese Foreign Policy

Ashay Abbhi • Jul 26 2015 • Articles

At the cusp of energy security balances the diplomatic battle in the Indian Ocean has generated enough interest for the world to watch the passive stand-offs keenly.

India’s Incremental Balancing in the South China Sea

David Scott • Jul 26 2015 • Articles

India’s strategic-military arrangements are implicitly China-centric, and with increasing significance for the balance of power in the South China Sea.

Review – “Lost” Causes

Nataliya Smyhora • Jul 26 2015 • Features

An invaluable title which meticulously explores complex relations among key actors to ask why so many salient issues are neglected by elite advocacy networks.

The Eurozone Crisis and the CSDP: The Problem of Public Opinion

Jakob Mckernan • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

If the EU is hoping to further integrate security and defense polices from an intergovernmental level to a supranational level, then it must take seriously public support

Unknown Knowns: A Groupthink Model on the U.S. Decision to go to War In Iraq

Vilde Rodin • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

There are clear indications that the decision making process in the buildup to the War in Iraq was influenced by groupthink, which ultimately led to a poor outcome.

Accountability, Peace, Development and Democracy in Bangladesh

Paulo Casaca • Jul 24 2015 • Articles

The European Union should promote a dialogue between political forces in Bangladesh that will allow a return to stability and normal democratic means to contest power.

Biodiversity Banking: From Theory to Practice in Sabah, Malaysia

Andrea Brock • Jul 23 2015 • Articles

The Malua case shows that analyses of neoliberalisation on the ground can teach us about ways in which neoliberalism plays out in managing societies and environment.

Transboundary Water Governance in the Euphrates Tigris River Basin

Aysegül Kibaroglu • Jul 22 2015 • Articles

One of the biggest challenges now is to establish transboundary water cooperation in the midst of current state of affairs in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin.

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