Archive for 2015

Iranian Influence & Advancement in Iraq

Satgin Hamrah • Jul 22 2015 • Articles

Iran’s immense involvement in Iraq is indicative of its historical interest, as well as its wider ambition of being the regional hegemon.

Did the Founding Fathers Fail to Consider the Process of Policy Implementation?

Peter Reakes • Jul 21 2015 • Essays

The Constitution of the Founding Fathers does not neglect the implementation of policy as its flexible nature allows governmental power to be sufficiently restrained.

It’s Not Only about Illegal Migration & International Law: The Uighur Conundrum

Siegfried O. Wolf • Jul 21 2015 • Articles

the criticism on the deportation of the Uighur from Thailand to China shows the ambiguity international actors regarding the Uighurs’ treatment by international partners.

A Non-Violent Conflict: The Venezuela-Guyana Dispute

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jul 21 2015 • Articles

Warfare may not come, but it is clear that inter-state disputes among the two countries over territory and resources will not end anytime soon.

Is Recent Asylum Migration Threatening Europe?

Assunta Soldovieri • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

Asylum seekers in the collective unconscious are perceived as a threat as numerous social and political platforms may push nationalist and sometimes, racist sentiments.

US Policy on the South and East China Seas: Is Underbalancing the Future’s Wave?

Brad Nelson • Jul 20 2015 • Articles

The US needs to set new patterns of behavior now so as to instantiate them, make them routine and hard to break in the future, no matter who is in the White House.

Review – Community and Culture in Post-Soviet Cuba

Jennifer Lambe • Jul 20 2015 • Features

An astute and thoughtful take on Cuban responses to the “special period”, this title offers tantalizing material for comparison as Cuba confronts yet another transition.

Neo-realism and Structural Liberalism: Can Anarchy Really Be Transcended?

Victoria Fajemilehin • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

With force employed as primary resort in international politics, how does the structural liberal argument of overcoming anarchy apply?

The Spratly Islands Dispute – A Discourse Analysis

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

A constructivist approach through discourse analysis as described by Lene Hansen highlights essential and previously neglected dynamics of the Spratly Islands dispute.

A Public Reason Defence of Same-Sex Marriage

Gah-Kai Leung • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

Accounts of gay marriage that appeal to nonpublic reasons (and therefore are of the perfectionist kind) should not be pursued.

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