Archive for 2015

The Implications of State Failure on Security

Rachael Aldridge • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

The notion of ‘state failure’ is analytically valid, yet empirically the concept has become an imperfect tool of global governance.

Why Poststructuralism Is Central to the Study of International Relations

Victoria Marcia Pereira-Ayuso • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

The manifold and multiplex essence attached to reality calls for an anti-foundational analysis of the “truths” upheld in international theory.

Personal-Political Imaginations: Feminism, Gender and Security in Serbia

Laura McLeod • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

To understand how particular meanings of ‘gender security’ come about, it’s necessary to pay attention to personal-political imaginations of conflict and post-conflict.

The Past Is Dead. Long Live the Past! A Manifesto for (Teaching) Social Change

Maïa Pal • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

Historiography becomes not only a valuable object of study, but also a crucial reminder that every present has its own version of the past.

The Political Economy of Biodiversity Banking

Molly Bond • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

Monetising ecosystems, emissions, Species and global-commons in has evolved the ideology from ‘selling nature in order to save it’ to ‘saving nature in order to trade it’

Review – Spaces of Aid: How Cars, Compounds and Hotels Shape Humanitarianism

Bertrand Taithe • Jul 16 2015 • Features

A stimulating book that draws on methodologies of others fields to strengthen humanitarian studies, Smirl’s inspirational work will have to be continued by others.

Authoritarian Closeness: Gruevski, Putin and the Macedonian Political Crisis

Ljupcho Stojkovski • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

If the West’s pledge for democracy, meet Gruevski’s bad behaviour with a stern response and not with (more) concessions, the chief one being his hold onto power.

The Islamic State – One Year On

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

The IS can no longer be viewed as a passing phenomenon and may expand in the future – unless it is coerced into total submission or at least denied a footprint in Iraq.

The Doha Development Round and Challenges to Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Terence Fernandes • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

While some view the Bali Package as a much needed life-line for the WTO, critics note that the agreement papers over the tough issues that the WTO will face later on.

The Politics of Postwar Reconstruction as the Discursive International Ordering

João Terrenas • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

The ontological shift in policy configuration mirrors the adaptive character of the liberal order and its ability to expand its domination over individual.

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