Archive for 2015

‘Warm Bodies’: A ZomRomCom Discourse on Counterinsurgency

Kristina Pasko • Jul 13 2015 • Articles

The hit 2013 zombie movie ‘Warm Bodies’ offers a means of understanding counterinsurgency strategies, as well as a critique of such strategies.

Hydropower Compensation and Changing Nature-Society Relations in Laos

W. Nathan Green and Ian G. Baird • Jul 13 2015 • Articles

Compensation should not just be about restoring livelihoods to previous material levels. Compensation fundamentally alters nature-society relations in certain contexts.

Interview – Max Abrahms

E-International Relations • Jul 12 2015 • Features

Max Abrahms defends his proposition that terrorism is a losing tactic, reflects on the varying motives behind terrorism, and suggests an approach for countering ISIS.

Explaining South Korean Policy Toward the United States, 1987-2014

Joshua Hyung Joon Byun • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Despite elements of disagreement in its policy outlook, Seoul has been eager to remain a valuable and contributing member in the US-led regional and global architecture.

Evaluation of Chabal and Daloz’s Africa Works, with Reference to Burkina Faso

Flora Barrett • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Chabal and Daloz argue that neopatrimonialism is central to African politics, the political culture of Africa being inherently different to that of the Western states.

Review – Reducing Uncertainty: Intelligence Analysis and National Security

Kate Drew • Jul 11 2015 • Features

A comprehensive yet relatable portrayal of U.S. intelligence which does an excellent job of conveying how little the public knows, and what it often fails to comprehend.

A Balanced Perception of Religion in International Relations

Joanna Kulska • Jul 9 2015 • Articles

As religion is not expected to disappear, there is an urgent need to use it advantageously in making the world more secure and to make its positive potential more known.

Theory and Other Languages

Stuart Elden • Jul 9 2015 • Articles

While utilizing theory, can potentially be done only on the basis of existing translations, anything more substantive will benefit from attention to the original source.

Jimmy Carter, Human Rights and the Cold War

Hanne van Brienen • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

Carter’s focus on the Cold War and Containment meant that his human rights ideals could never be achieved due to the importance he placed on repelling Soviet influence.

Do Colonial Attitudes Influence the Media’s Response to Humanitarian Crises?

Callum Martin • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

The media’s overwhelming focus on negative events in the South maintains the colonial binaries of our civilisation and their backwardness.

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