Archive for 2015

The Responsibility to Protect and the Importance of International Consensus

Torgeir Pande Braathen • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

A constructive debate between the proponents and the sceptics of R2P will lead to establishing a greater consensus around the concept.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Occupation to (De)Legitimization?

Martin Beck • Jul 8 2015 • Articles

The (de)legitimization game has recently gained significance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is made sense of by critically discussing three basic assumptions.

The Reagan Administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative during the Cold War

Ramin Karbasi • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

The decision to pursue the protracted, costly, and dubious SDI, the technology for which was not fully understood by US leadership, was ineffective and ultimately unwise.

Review – Liberal Realism: a Realist Theory of Liberal Politics

James Wakefield • Jul 7 2015 • Features

An engaging, perceptive and well-judged contribution which will give even those who disagree with the realist critique a reason to reflect on their own principles.

Transforming IR Education in Japan

Misato Matsuoka • Jul 7 2015 • Articles

In recent years scholars have started to consider alternative approaches to the study of IR, while at the same time scholars in Japan are adapting how they approach the subject.

On the Possibility of Nuclear Disarmament

Sam Ling Gibson • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

While nuclear disarmament is a technical possibility, the deterrence logic behind such weapons makes their relinquishment a near impossibility.

The Greek Referendum as Societal Schism

Marianna Karakoulaki • Jul 4 2015 • Articles

Regardless the Greek referendum’s turnout, Greece will not be able to avoid another austerity plan that will hinder the country’s non-existent ascent to development.

Are Natural Resources More of a Curse than a Blessing?

Lewis Stott • Jul 3 2015 • Essays

There is no escaping the correlation between resource abundance and poor economic performance. The resource curse is political and brought on by poor policy decisions.

Interview – Stephen Hopgood

E-International Relations • Jul 3 2015 • Features

Professor Hopgood discusses the “dissolution of the West”, the dilemmas of human rights activism, and the obstacles to achieving humanitarian aims via the ICC and R2P.

Neither Desperate Nor Stronger: The Adaptation of Al Shabaab

David H. Shinn • Jul 3 2015 • Articles

Despite international pressure, Al Shabaab has done a good job of avoiding defeat and adapting to new challenges throughout East Africa.

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