Archive for 2015

Review – Communism in Pakistan: Politics and Class Activism 1947-1972

Darren Atkinson • Jul 2 2015 • Features

Kamran Asdar Ali provides superb documentary evidence and a rich detailed analysis to construct a forgotten history of class struggle and political activism in Pakistan.

Sexual Modernity in Amazonia

Manuela Lavinas Picq and Josi Tikuna • Jul 2 2015 • Articles

Sexual perspectives matter because they reveal ‘modernity’ in unexpected places. Gay pride celebrations and homo-affective Tikuna couples tell ‘unexpected’ stories.

Power-sharing in Africa: Does It Still Have a Role to Play?

Alexandra Remond • Jul 1 2015 • Articles

Despite its bleak results, power-sharing should not yet be dismissed altogether because it still offers the most promising tool for dealing with deeply-divided places.

LGBT Pride: Marching on the Front Lines

Elise Carlson-Rainer • Jul 1 2015 • Articles

Pride events remain a critical moment of visibility of the LGBT movement. But the global movement will continue to progress and create new alliances for gaining equality.

Heroic Narratives Surrounding Humanitarian Intervention

Annelie Wambeek • Jun 29 2015 • Essays

Heroic narratives, through their use of language in particular, intentionally obscure the resort to force that is used during humanitarian military interventions.

Review – The Sino-Soviet Alliance: An International History

Wonhee Lee • Jun 27 2015 • Features

Jersild provides an excellent multidimensional analysis of the Beijing-Moscow relationship and valuable strategic insights which demarcate this book from earlier titles.

A Seat at the Table: International LGBTQ Rights at the United Nations

Robyn Linde • Jun 26 2015 • Articles

Despite promising developments, initiatives to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories under law have largely failed at the United Nations.

Why National Parliaments in the EU Should Be Empowered

Sandra Kröger • Jun 26 2015 • Articles

Enhancing the role of parliaments in EU decision-making offers a way to reconnect the integration process with the communal self-rule of the states and their citizens.

Nietszche, Morgenthau, and the Roots of Realism

Michael Laurence • Jun 24 2015 • Articles

Despite the richness and complexity of the realist paradigm as espoused by Morgenthau, it remains committed to existing identities and forms of reality.

The Islamic ‘State’ Challenge: Defining the Actor

Zeray Yihdego • Jun 24 2015 • Articles

IS is not a terrorist group. It has acquired the ability to mobilise thousands and impose its will on millions, which is comparable to the abilities of sovereign states.

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