Archive for 2015

Rohingya Crisis and the ‘Boat People’ Conference: Towards a Regional Solution?

Siegfried O. Wolf • Jun 18 2015 • Articles

Regional governments in South East Asia need to identify the unsolved Rohingya problem as a chance for constructive cooperation instead of a roadblock for collaboration.

Ukraine Conflict: The Final Push For Peace

Peter J. Marzalik • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

The Minsk Protocols have gradually paved the road toward peace, but serious problems remain both in the formulation and implementation of the agreement.

Why Doesn’t Iran Want the Bomb?

Torgeir Pande Braathen • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

When adding up the potential benefits and impediments, Iran will unlikely upgrade its current civilian nuclear programme to a military nuclear weapons programme.

Current Space Law Limitations and Its Implications on Outer Space Conflicts

Michael Beaver • Jun 16 2015 • Essays

This is an exciting time for the entirety of human civilization, it is important for all parties in the planning of the forthcoming human expansion into outer space.

Review – Debating Human Rights

Elise Carlson-Rainer • Jun 15 2015 • Features

Chong addresses the complexities of universal human rights and presents contemporary debates that are excellent springboard into the much contested rights discourse.

The European Left after Recession and Representation: Social Democracy or Bust?

David Bailey • Jun 14 2015 • Articles

The less austere management of European capitalism would amount to an attempt to revive the spirit of social democracy, despite it having been exposed as a dead end.

Statelessness: A Responsibility to Protect?

Alanna O'Malley • Jun 14 2015 • Articles

If pictures of migrants result only in plans to strengthen borders, invoking the legal obligations of an internationally accepted policy may be the best way forward.

The UK after the 2015 General Election: Doomed to Be a ‘Failed State’?

Christian Schweiger • Jun 11 2015 • Articles

Brexit is not an inevitability. In the absence of charismatic pro-European voices, the pro-EU camp will struggle to make its voice heard against eurosceptic voices.

Imperial Imaginaries: Employing Science Fiction to Talk about Geopolitics

Robert A. Saunders • Jun 11 2015 • Articles

Pop Culture stages debates on complex topics associated with the history of imperialism, geopolitical thinking and the relationship between territory, space and power.

The Status of the Responsibility to Protect Norm in International Relations

Lauren Grace Fitzsimons • Jun 11 2015 • Essays

Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is worryingly tenuous, but there is the potential for it to develop into a robust international norm.

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