Archive for 2015

Collage: An Art-inspired Methodology for Studying Laughter in World Politics

Saara Särmä • Jun 6 2015 • Articles

To think through collage is to invent and apply conceptual frames and create juxtapositions that disrupt and render historically contingent accepted knowledge practices.

US Credibility in the Middle East and the Nuclear Deal with Iran

Srinjoy Bose and Firouzeh Khoshnoudiparast • Jun 6 2015 • Articles

The US credibility in the Middle East depends on the successful implementation of policies to maintain regime stability and ensure the status quo of power in the region.

Why Are Elections Flashpoints for Violence & Insecurity and Can This Be Avoided?

Mia Lombardi • Jun 5 2015 • Essays

It is crucial to sustainable peace that elections are not seen as opportunities to engage in hostile takeovers, but instead allow for peaceful power transitions.

International Negotiations: Atomic Energy and Iran

Alina Ptok • Jun 5 2015 • Essays

It is possible that nuclear negotiations with Iran will continue to prove fruitless and will continue on for an indefinite time.

Australian, British, and US Approaches to Countering Islamic Extremists

Mark Taylor • Jun 4 2015 • Essays

By comparing and analysing the counter-radicalisation strategies of the three countries, disparate approaches are revealed that all contain some degree of effectiveness.

Women’s Power to Stop War: Lessons for the International Studies Association

Natalie Florea Hudson • Jun 4 2015 • Articles

Creative energy and renewed multilateralism is needed to challenge the ideological imperialism that dominates our thinking, research and action around peace and security.

Review – Imperial Subjects: Citizenship in an Age of Crisis and Empire

Vanessa Andreotti • Jun 4 2015 • Features

Mooers’ book offers a refreshing revisited critique of capital and of the varied contradictions of neoliberalism and its impact on ideas of national/global citizenship.

A Social Constructivist’s Explanation of the Iranian Revolution

Iqbal Fatkhi • Jun 3 2015 • Essays

The extent to which social forces influenced the overhaul of Iranian society presents an advantageous case study which social constructivism can explain.

Anxiety in The British Media Portrayals of Schoolgirls Heading for Syria

Liz Sage • Jun 3 2015 • Articles

With so little to go on, the media are left to construct their own version of events, filling in the silence left by the girls with a cacophony of possible explanations.

Who Has a Right to Belong?

Simon Thompson • Jun 3 2015 • Articles

Whilst there might be international conventions which address the internally displaced, refugees, and the stateless the gap between theory and practice seems very large.

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