Archive for 2015

How Understanding Emotions in IR Can Help Explain Anti-Americanism

Kahlia Vandyk • Jun 2 2015 • Essays

Negative attitudes towards the United States are generally specific to foreign policy choices rather than a broader statement about American culture or society.

How to Win the War on War?

James Pearson • Jun 2 2015 • Articles

Either we agree that we are effectively free of war, and guaranteed to suffer its burden even less, or we hold ourselves to be condemned to it, with naught to be done.

The Politics of the Humanitarian Crisis in Europe

Roberto Orsi • Jun 2 2015 • Articles

In the face of the horrors and the tragic loss of life, allowing or even encouraging the spread of chaos by yielding to blackmail is always the wrong policy.

The Securitization of the Iraqi Regime Using the Three Levels of Analysis

Dana Shamlawi • Jun 1 2015 • Essays

The three levels of analysis can explain why contention can emerge when political issues are securitized such as the securitization of the Iraqi regime and US invasion.

Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty: Time for the United States to Act Responsibly

Reshmi Kazi • Jun 1 2015 • Articles

Although the US is committed to negotiating a legally binding treaty prohibiting the production of fissile material for NWs, it opposes a new verification regime.

How has the US Intelligence Community Performed against Al-Qaeda since 1988?

Lucie Parker • Jun 1 2015 • Essays

Owing to its own misconceptions and those of successive executives, the US intelligence community has failed to perform to the extent of its abilities against al-Qaeda.

Military Videogames, Geopolitics and Methods

Daniel Bos • Jun 1 2015 • Articles

A player-based approach unveils actual experiences of videogames offering a creative and grounded approach to a fuller understanding of pop culture in world politics.

Review – The Gatekeepers

Oren Barak • May 31 2015 • Features

Although this esteemed documentary raises important issues, the claims of its six protagonists are based on several problematic assumptions which must be questioned.

Civilisation in the Scottish Enlightenment

Lorenzo M. Cello • May 31 2015 • Articles

The concept of civilisation that emerged from Scottish Enlightenment was understood as an internally diverse cultural formation and a historically fluid process.

Greeks and Psychiatry in Crisis

Alexandros Argyriadis • May 29 2015 • Articles

The post-2008 financial crisis goes beyond the economic problems that Greece now faces. It has also created a generalized crisis in the field of psychiatry.

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