Archive for 2015

Religious Identities and the Escalation of Conflict between ISIS and the West

Zainab Mai-Bornu • May 26 2015 • Articles

The impact achieved by ISIS through the use of new media serves to escalate the conflicts with the West and shape the religious identities of their target audience.

Review – US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion

Alessandro Badella • May 26 2015 • Features

This ready-to-use edited handbook provides a good and complete introduction to the history and evolution of US democracy promotion abroad.

The Eclipse of Pan-Arab Nationalism

Ahmed Elsayed • May 26 2015 • Essays

Both ideological and internal and external geopolitical forces have led to the emergence, decline and subsequent failure of Pan-Arab Nationalism in the Middle East.

Why the War on Bashar Al-Assad Never Happened

Antone Christianson-Galina • May 26 2015 • Essays

With the Syrian War raging on, with over 200,000 killed and millions displaced over the span of four years, why did the US not conduct air-strikes to overthrow Assad?

Interview – Ronaldo Munck

E-International Relations • May 25 2015 • Features

Professor Munck discusses labour movement responses to neoliberal restructuring, Gramscian perspectives on Latin America, and the contemporary relevance of Marxism.

George W. Bush: A Neo-Conservative?

Mike Spaan • May 25 2015 • Essays

George W. Bush’s Presidency is often asserted as a Neo-Conservative one. If this was the case, however, fundamentally different policy objectives would have been pursued.

The Foreign Policy Implications of Israel’s 2015 Elections

Nadav Shelef • May 25 2015 • Articles

The new government is unlikely to make any progress towards a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians. This is, unfortunately, an over-determined outcome.

How Should We Govern Lethal Force Short of War? An Evaluation of Jus Ad Vim

Vilde Rodin • May 24 2015 • Essays

With the expansion of drone warfare the demand for a renewal of just war theory has arisen, and the framework of jus as vim may prove a viable alternative.

Yemen: A Battle for Energy Supremacy

Ashay Abbhi • May 23 2015 • Articles

Yemen is the amphitheatre where the gladiators will fight each other for the coveted prize of significant amount of resources, clout, and strengthened political will

Film and World Politics

Michael J. Shapiro • May 23 2015 • Articles

To appreciate this politics of film for IR we can contrast the way film challenges the more static media within which exchanges of recognition among states takes place

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