Archive for 2015

Postructuralism and Feminism: The Interplay between Gender, Language and Power

Michael Wooldridge • May 22 2015 • Essays

Violence is not an intrinsic part of an objective reality, but rather exists because it is legitimated and normalized through the valorization of a hegemonic masculinity

Upgrading the Arab League by Establishing a Joint Military Force?

Martin Beck • May 22 2015 • Articles

It cannot be excluded that the initiative to build a Arab military force will share the fate of previous launches: a big announcement followed by a rather low performance

Monism vs. Pluralism

Richard Sakwa • May 21 2015 • Articles

The conflict in Ukraine is a result of the turbulence in the system of European security, the internal crisis in Ukraine, and the crisis of Russian developmental model.

Making Feminist Sense of ‘The Americans’

Lucy Hall • May 20 2015 • Articles

Reading ‘The Americans’ through an Enloe inspired lens offers an example of the potential to explore the feminist critique of the public/private divide.

Review – Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands

Paul Robinson • May 20 2015 • Features

Sakwa lays out a courageous and powerful case which directly challenges the prevailing ‘blame everything on Russia’ narrative regarding the current conflict in Ukraine.

Saudi Airstrikes on Yemen: Limits to Military Adventurism

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • May 20 2015 • Articles

The Saudis will continue to perceive the Houthis as powerful political and military opponents and feel the need to keep them at bay

Axiomatic Solutions to Transboundary River Conflicts

Erik Ansink • May 19 2015 • Articles

Axioms relate to variability and uncertainty of river flow, the main drivers for countries’ defection from agreements or choice for non-cooperation in the first place

Worlds of Our Making in Science Fiction and International Relations

Nicholas J. Kiersey and Iver B. Neumann • May 19 2015 • Articles

Sci-fi is able to pose fictional worlds that, while cognitively coherent on their own terms, inevitably maintain a link with the experiences we share in our own world

Diversity Policy in Ukraine and Its Neighbours: Running on the Spot Again?

Alexander Osipov • May 18 2015 • Articles

Diversity policies in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus have similar features and focus on recreating a narrative of multi-ethnicity with an ethnic or cultural core.

“The New Guantanamo”: The Psychological Impact of US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Vijay Luhan • May 16 2015 • Essays

The effects of drones beyond reducing American casualties cannot continue to be overlooked; a more comprehensive evaluation must determine their overall effectiveness.

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