Archive for 2015

Dominant Narratives in Russian Political and Media Discourse during the Ukraine Crisis

Stephen Hutchings and Joanna Szostek • Apr 28 2015 • Articles

Russian media response to the Ukraine crisis cannot be attributed to ‘cynical eclecticism’ alone, as the efforts to present a coherent worldview have also been apparent.

A Cold War That Boils: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia

Emily Chen • Apr 27 2015 • Essays

The Asian Cold War stemmed from a 3-stage interplay of the two superpowers in the early regional conflicts.

Civilisation and Hierarchy Go Hand-in-Hand

Brett Bowden • Apr 27 2015 • Articles

The ideal of civilisation has been closely associated with ideas of progress and stadial theories of development – a hierarchic world order with the civilised at the top.

Europe’s Response to Migrant Tragedy in the Mediterranean

Phil Cole • Apr 27 2015 • Articles

Recent EU responses should make us wonder whether the political atmosphere around migration in Europe means that the continent has journeyed to the heart of darkness.

International Space Station: Terrestrial Confrontation to Orbital Cooperation

Ajey Lele and Munish Sharma • Apr 25 2015 • Articles

Russia is selective on its acts of cooperation in the outer space. It is on the US to find a way to engage it in the outer space to resolve their issues on the Earth.

Neoliberalism and Revolution in Egypt

Erin Cox • Apr 24 2015 • Essays

Various theoretical underpinnings of neoliberal policy have created the ideal conditions and dynamics for revolution in Egypt.

Breaking the Dependency Mentality in International Development

Robinson Cook • Apr 24 2015 • Articles

Enforcing a clear set of rules should help local NGOs to escape the trap of dependency mentality and make the demand for financial assistance more deliberative.

The EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Negotiation Deadlock

Yan Shaohua • Apr 23 2015 • Essays

The stalemate of the EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) negotiations can be explained by the small size of overlapping win-sets of the two sides.

EU-Ukraine Relations Before the 2014 Maidan Revolution

Julia Sinitsky • Apr 23 2015 • Essays

Ukraine’s unwillingness to disentangle itself from its past ties sent certain signals to the EU indicating hesitancy, reluctance, and suspicion towards Europe.

Vladimir Putin: Making of the National Hero

Elena Chebankova • Apr 23 2015 • Articles

The secret of Putin’s success is his ability to recreate a narrative of the Russian structure in the new form and embrace the search for self-rediscovery of the society.

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