Archive for 2015

An Unnecessary War: The Geopolitical Roots of the Ukraine Crisis

Peter Rutland • Apr 9 2015 • Articles

Ukraine’s geopolitical position, and the interventions of competing outside powers pursuing their own self-interest led to the continuing civil war in Ukraine.

Japanese Imperialism as a Self Defence Mechanism

Mathew Bonnon • Apr 9 2015 • Essays

Nationalism and a fear of foreign domination led Japan to pursue domestic and external reform, shun traditional Sino-centrism, and build a European-style empire in Asia.

Root Causes of Violence in Post-Civil War Guatemala: A Literature Review

Duilia Mora Turner • Apr 8 2015 • Essays

This area needs continued research to advise policy makers on how to correct and prevent further deterioration of Guatemala’s security sector.

Britain’s Modern Slavery Act: World-leading or a Timid Start?

Gary Craig • Apr 8 2015 • Articles

It has become clear that both the scale of modern slavery is much larger than presumed, and that its scope is much wider. New forms of slavery are becoming apparent.

Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe: Present Dilemmas of the Communist Past

Brianna Brown • Apr 8 2015 • Essays

While there were legitimate moral reasons for pursuing lustration, political factors established lustration as the dominant framework for transitional justice.

The Ukraine Crisis and its Impact on Transforming Russian Nationalism Landscape

Marlene Laruelle • Apr 7 2015 • Articles

The Ukraine crisis has fragmented the ‘national-democrat’ scene and has strengthened aspirations for the recreation of Soviet power and the Eurasian Union project.

Interview – Minqi Li

E-International Relations • Apr 7 2015 • Features

Professor Li discusses crises of the global economy, the significance of ecological limits to growth, and the imperative for an alternative socialist world system.

What Are the Consequences of Palestine Joining the International Criminal Court?

Thomas Obel Hansen • Apr 6 2015 • Articles

Palestine joining the ICC may be more a question of strengthening its position towards Israel than obtaining justice.

Can the United States and China avoid A Thucydides Trap?

David Welch • Apr 6 2015 • Articles

“The Thucydides Trap” may prove to be moot. There is nothing inevitable about China’s rise but if it continues to rise, the dangers do not lie with “THE” Thucydides Trap.

Review – Sexualities in World Politics

Federica Caso • Apr 5 2015 • Features

A timely collection that reflects the contemporary zeitgeist of LGBT politics, raises important disciplinary questions, and promises to open up new dialogue within IR.

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