Student Essay Award – Win Free Books and Get Published

Students: Would you like to get your best paper published on E-IR and win £100 of books?

The E-IR Student Essay Award award aims to reward undergraduate and Masters students who share their best essays and dissertations for the benefit of their global peer group. In addition to publication on the website, winning essays are awarded £100 in book tokens from Routledge. How it works: Our team reviews all entries and selects shortlist candidates based on those that 1) meet the entry criteria and 2) impress us enough to want to publish them. We then publish the shortlist candidates. Finally, we award one winner each calendar month from those published. Whether you win the award or not, publication on E-IR is a great achievement and something you should be proud of. Find out more here.

Note, we only accept essays or dissertations written by a single author that have been previously assessed as part of a university degree scheme. We do not accept presentations, group-authored work, reports, or formative work. We expect that you will have addressed any issues/fixes pointed out by your lecturer/professor in your feedback before entering an essay for the award. We email every author with our final decision within 8 weeks of entry. We need this time to make sure we read your work carefully. Finally, there are no charges, or any hidden costs, for any aspect of entering the award.

You can also find lots of student facing resources, including two free textbooks, guides to studying, online multimedia resources and much more in E-IR’s dedicated students section. We will be adding much more content tailor made for students soon, so it’s well worth bookmarking and checking back regularly.

If you want to get involved with the team here at E-International Relations and do something meannigful, you can also join the team that works on reviewing the essay award entries, and commissions and edits all the great content on our students section here. We would love to hear from you!

Further Reading on E-International Relations