The recent actions of China on its border with India and its continuing assertiveness in the South China Sea have called the world’s attention once more to territorial issues in Asia. Despite wide coverage, the general public, and many students, find themselves engaging with events without grasping the basic structure of these and other realities of the Asian political and cultural landscape. Therefore, a step backward is necessary to provide students and the general public with the background of each of these disputes along with their commonalities, enabling them to properly understand the current dynamics with clarity on the deep historical, geopolitical and legal issues involved. This book seeks to explain the origins of the most important and longest-lasting territorial and maritime disputes in Asia. It will be styled to be an accessible guide for the general public and students to comprehend the essential elements underlying each of the disputes covered. In addition, the chapters will also offer an overview of the critical implications that the disputes pose at a regional level. The book will be published by E-International Relations in full open access, free to download, and also available in print.
The disputes to be covered are:
- The South China Sea Disputes
- The East China Sea Disputes
- The Dokdo/Takeshima
- The Kuril Islands
- The China-India border questions
We encourage submission of chapters on the following topics:
- The importance of the colonial legacy of the disputes
- The implications of the San Francisco peace treaty
- The impact of UNCLOS
- The role of the United States
- The ASEAN Dilemma
- The Japanese perspective of the disputes with China and South Korea
- The case of Taiwan
- India strategic perspective of the rising of China
Please submit your chapter proposal before 30 September, by email, to mlopesdesouza@uclan.ac.uk. It should be 200–300 words long and include all contributor’s affiliations via an attached academic resume/CV.
We aim to make a decision by 30 October, and would expect any commissioned chapters to be submitted in full by 30 January 2021. For reference, the guide length of the chapters in final form will be 5000–6000 words. So, please factor this into the outline of your abstract.
Dr. Moises de Souza is lecturer in Asia Pacific Studies at the School of Humanities, Language and Global Studies, and chair of the Northern England Policy Centre for the Asia Pacific (NEPCAP) at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). He is also a researcher in Asia studies at the International Relations Research Center of the University of São Paulo (NUPRI-GEASIA), and deputy director of the South China Sea Think Tank (SCSSTT).
Dr. Dean Karalekas is the executive editor of Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security, published by the Taiwan Center for Security Studies and the ROC National Defense University, and a research fellow at the Centre of Austronesian Studies at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). He is the author of Civil-Military Relations in Taiwan: Identity and Transformation.
The Northern England Policy Centre for the Asia Pacific (NEPCAP) was launched in June 2018. It aims to play the role of maximizing research impact into policy and practice, in various fields of studies related to the issues in the Asia Pacific region.