Dr. Ian Spears and Alemayehu F. Weldemariam talk with the Thinking Global team about Ethiopia and International Relations. In this episode we cover a number of issues such as the status of Ethiopia in relation to great powers, the conflict in the Tigray region, colonialism, national identity and regional power politics in and around the horn of Africa.
Ian Spears is associate professor of political science at the University of Guelph, Ontario. His research interests focus on the obstacles to the resolution of violent conflict. His research draws from experiences of violent conflict primarily in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. He can be found on Twitter: @GuelphPOLS.
Alemayehu F. Weldemariam is an Ethiopian constitutional law scholar, political theorist, conflict analyst, and public intellectual. He is the author of the 2010 work ‘Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia: A Critical Introduction‘. He can be found on Twitter: @AlemayehuFentaw.
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