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On this week’s episode, Kosuke Shimizu speaks with the Thinking Global team about the Kyoto School and ‘Non-Western’ International Relations. With Kieran (@kieranjomeara) and Edoardo, Prof. Shimizu explores how we can cast ‘non-western’ International Relations, how the Kyoto School of philosophy can help us think about global politics, the concept of ‘relationality’, and the manner in which ‘non-western’ International Relations thinking intersects with certain methodological questions.
Professor Kosuke Shimizu (@caatc105) is a Professor of International Relations at Ryukoku University, Kyoto. He is currently working on the intersection of Buddhism, Quantum Physics and International Relations. His recent publications include ‘Buddhism and the Question of Relationality in International Relations’ (Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 2021), ‘Political Healing and Mahāyāna Buddhist Medicine: a critical engagement with contemporary international relations’ (Third World Quarterly, 2021). His most recent book, The Kyoto School and International Relations: Non-Western Attempts for a new world order (Routledge, 2022) explores the Kyoto School’s challenge to transcend the ‘Western’ domination over the ‘rest’ of the world, and the issues this raises for contemporary ‘non-Western’ and ‘Global IR’ literature.
Thinking Global is available on all major podcast platforms.
Further Reading on E-International Relations
- Thinking Global Podcast – Wendy Brown
- Thinking Global Podcast – James Der Derian
- Thinking Global Podcast – Seán Molloy
- Thinking Global Podcast – G. John Ikenberry (Part One)
- Thinking Global Podcast – Women’s International Thought: Towards a New Canon (Part One)
- Thinking Global Podcast – Women’s International Thought: Towards a New Canon (Part Two)