Article Award for Early Career Scholars

Announcing the 2019 E-International Relations Article Award.
In association with Routledge, Palgrave/Macmillan, Hurst, Polity, and I.B. Tauris.

E-International Relations invites PhD / doctoral students and early career academics to prepare short papers outlining novel, or under appreciated, ideas that will contribute to a better understanding of international relations. The award welcomes papers on the widest range of topics imaginable, so long as they connect their subject matter to at least one of the bigger global or regional issues/debates – ideally with the aim of sparking debate that will contribute towards real-world outcomes. We welcome empirical, political, historical, legal and diplomatic issues that impact upon global or regional politics, as well as papers that discuss theoretical and disciplinary issues in an accessible way. Papers must be concise, written to engage any informed reader – including non-specialists. As the purpose of this award is to communicate new ideas and interpretations to the widest possible audience, entrants must avoid writing in an abstract or overly jargon-laden academic style. The criteria we have placed (see below) will assist entrants in writing in a suitable way for the award.


The shortlisted papers will be published on E-International Relations and promoted across all our social media channels to allow the ideas expressed to reach a wide audience. From the shortlisted candidates, one winner will be awarded and given book tokens from our sponsors at Routledge, Macmillan, I.B. Tauris, Polity and Hurst. In addition, you will get one year’s access to Macmillan’s Explorers online textbook platform for History and Political Science. Finally, we will also throw a bunch of paperbacks of your choice from E-IR’s book library.

The total value of the winner’s package is approx. $1400-1500 (USD).

Two runner up prizes of $125 (USD) in book tokens will also be awarded, courtesy of Routledge.

Entry criteria

1) All applicants must be enrolled as a PhD / doctoral candidate or be an early-career academic who has been awarded their PhD within the last 3 years (we can give or take a little here, so don’t worry too much if you are marginally outside this).

2) Papers must be between 3000–4500 words, including references. As references are included in the word count, keep referencing and quotation to a minimum. Where references are needed, use the author-date system (Chicago style – see author date tab). You are welcome to embed hyperlinks in addition to (or instead of) using academic references.

3) You must write in a direct way to maximise the impact of your piece and allow your ideas to be understood by as wide an audience as possible.

4) You must format your article as follows:

–  Give your article a catchy title that clearly describes the content. It must be 80 characters or less.
–  Use headings to signpost. Bold-set and left align them. Italicise any subheadings (if used).
–  Do not indent the start of paragraphs. Leave one clear line of space between each paragraph.
–  Images, figures, and tables are forbidden. Communicate with a direct and engaging narrative.
–  You may write in British or American English – so long as you use either variant consistently.

Sumission deadline

To enter, please prepare your article in one Microsoft word format (.docx) attachment. It must have a cover page containing the title of your article and a short narrative style biography (containing affiliation, summary of academic qualifications/status and past publications). Email it to You must clearly title your email ‘Article Award Entry’.

Papers must be received by 10 October 2019. We will inform all entrants of our decision during the month of November.

You should also know

There are no charges, or any hidden costs, for any aspect of entering the award. Our Publishing Agreement is available here. Copyright remains with you, the author.

Please Consider Donating

Before you download your free e-book, please consider donating to support open access publishing.

E-IR is an independent non-profit publisher run by an all volunteer team. Your donations allow us to invest in new open access titles and pay our bandwidth bills to ensure we keep our existing titles free to view. Any amount, in any currency, is appreciated. Many thanks!

Donations are voluntary and not required to download the e-book - your link to download is below.