Author profile: Aida Abbashar

Aida Abbashar is completing her PhD at Durham University, focusing on the role of constitutional imaginaries in Sudanese governance, resistance, and social transformation. Her work explores the intersections of law, political mobilisation, and grassroots activism, and the contributions of women in Sudan’s democratic struggles. She has contributed to various academic and policy discussions on Sudan’s resistance movements, gendered political participation, and decolonial thought. She is the author of Decolonising Security, Epistemic Disobedience, and Revolutionary Change in Sudan (African Historical Review, 2025), ‘Sudan’s Resistance Committees: Grassroots Democracy and the Struggle for Political Change’ (PeaceRep, 2023), and ‘Women’s Career Motivation: Social Barriers and Enablers in Sudan’ (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023).

Unseen Frontlines: Narratives on Sudanese Women in War

Aida Abbashar • Mar 1 2025 • Articles

Recognizing Sudanese women’s long-standing and irreplaceable participation is pivotal for a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic Sudan.

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