Author profile: Alberto Cunha

Alberto Cunha is an FCT-funded PhD candidate, IPRI Research Associate and undergraduate teaching assistant in the Department of European and International Studies at King’s College London, where he is a member of the European Foreign Policy Research Group and the Center for German Transnational Relations. He has an initial training in Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor’s and Master’s, followed by two spells in the private sector) and a Master’s in International Relations from the University of Lisbon, before working in two Portuguese embassies: six months as an intern in Portuguese Representation at the OECD and one year as a Political Analyst at the Embassy of Portugal in the USA.

Europe’s Hegemon? The Nature of German Power During Europe’s Crisis Decade

Alberto Cunha • Aug 23 2021 • Articles

In light of a series of recent events such as the migrant crisis and Brexit, Germans increasingly want to discuss their role in the EU and how better to use German power.

Post-Brexit EU Defence Policy: Is Germany Leading towards a European Army?

Alberto Cunha • Jul 5 2020 • Articles

In the wake of Trump’s unilateralism, France and Germany have repeated proposals to create a European army, but different ideas persist about what this would mean.

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