Author profile: Alexandra Hofer and Mohammad Kanfash

Alexandra Hofer is an assistant professor in public international law at Utrecht University, and a member of the RENFORCE research institute. Her research primarily focuses on unilateral sanctions under public international law, often drawing from other disciplines in order to have a broader understanding of how these tools impact and shape inter-state relations.

Mohammad Kanfash is a doctoral research at the Centre for Conflict Studies at Utrecht University and a humanitarian practitioner with working experience in the MENA and EU. Among others, he researches the impact of sanctions on humanitarian operations as well as on food security and access to water and health in Syria.

Sanctions as Violence

Alexandra Hofer and Mohammad Kanfash • Jun 17 2024 • Articles

Honest discussions are needed on whether the price paid by those who are directly affected by ‘economic pain’ is worth the political goals of the sanctioners.

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