Author profile: Alice Jones

I graduated with a first class degree in history for the University of the West of England in 2006. In 2007 I began an MA in Russian and East European Studies from CREES at the University of Birmingham for which I have been awarded distinction. I am now in my third year of learning Russian.

Having departed from academic circles I am keen to continue to think critically. My time at CREES introduced me to politics and current affairs and I would like to build on my limited knowledge in this area. I have a particular interest in current events involving Russia.

My specific interests with regard to history are:

Russian 20th century history in general
Communism in theroy and practice
The Stalinist era
Soviet Propaganda
Soviet culture

My MA disertation was entitled ‘Foundations and Promises: the cult of the hero in Stalin’s Russia’. This piece looked at the functions of heroes from the past (such as Ivan the Terrible), the ‘present’ (leader cults) and ‘future’ (new soviet men) and how they worked together to provide legitimacy for a regime whose power came as the result of a coup.

‘The October Russian Revolution and the 1944-8 takeovers in Central and Eastern Europe demonstrate that war is the decisive factor in the success of communist takeovers’ Discuss.

Alice Jones • Jan 24 2009 • Essays

In October 1917, the Bolshevik Party staged the first communist revolution in history. With this, the new Russian leadership removed Russia from the Great War and began to put into action its ideological ideas for world revolution. In 1919 the Third Communist International (Comintern) was established with the role of exporting the revolution and creating, a ‘World Federative Republic of Soviets’ which was seen as crucial for the survival of the Russian soviet state. Despite this, and the economic problems of the interwar years, the only other country to witness a communist revolution before the Second World War was Outer Mongolia (and briefly, Hungary).

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