Author profile: Anneliese Schenk-Day

Anneliese Schenk-Day is a PhD student in Sociology at the Ohio State University. Her research surrounds mass violence, particularly the prevention, prediction, and aftermath of hate crimes on both a national and global scale. Within the context of the United States, she studies hate crimes that target racial and sexual minorities and how climate change and political rhetoric factor into the proliferation of such violence. Globally, her research interests focus on collective memory and gender dynamics after mass atrocities, particularly in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Her M.A. thesis analyzed Rwandan women’s exclusion from formal genocide commemoration events, a summary of which can be found here.

Gendered Memory and Mass Violence: Rwanda, Bosnia, and the Holocaust

Anneliese Schenk-Day • May 28 2024 • Articles

A more nuanced discussion of women’s experiences during mass violence from all angles and perspectives, victim, perpetrator, rescuer, and combatants is vital to understanding mass violence.

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