Author profile: Annemarie Detlef

An Analysis of Contemporary US-China-India Relations

Annemarie Detlef • Jul 7 2012 • Essays

The US-Sino-India triangle is one of the most important strategic relationships of contemporary foreign affairs. The increasing economic ties between China and India outweigh the likelihood of realist war.

The Role of the State in Development: Re-examining Neo-Liberal Recommendations

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Examining the history of development in the UK, the US, Germany and Japan brings the policy recommendations of neoliberalism into question.

Causes of the Sovereign Debt Crisis

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 16 2012 • Essays

The massive amount of debt in Southern European countries is not determined by weakness, corruption, and inabilities to deal with public deficits, but by systemic failures and illnesses.

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