Author profile: Bea Kylene Jumarang

The European Union: Changing the Face of Regionalism

Bea Kylene Jumarang • Aug 18 2011 • Essays

The EU is no longer just a regional association. It is a view of the future, a state in many respects though also subservient to member initiatives, a world economic powerhouse and a home to policies commonly instituted. The Union is no longer just an external body, but a concrete expression of European unity and is at least, a partial fulfillment of the European ideals expressed after the First and Second World Wars.

Realism and Liberalism in International Relations

Bea Kylene Jumarang • Jul 2 2011 • Essays

The debate continues as to which school of International Relations remains the most relevant and timely with regards to the interpretation of the international system. Some will always say realism is politics as it is while liberalism is an example of politics idealized. Perhaps the true path lies in combination.

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