Author profile: Bernd Bucher and Julian Eckl

Bernd Bucher is an Associate Professor in Political Science at Franklin University Switzerland. His work focuses on processual-relational approaches in IR, English School theory, critical norm research, and border studies. He is also collaborating with Oliver Strijbis and Elisa Volpi, who together run a prediction market-based risk and opportunities index.

Julian Eckl is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He was trained as a political scientist but draws on various neighbouring disciplines. He writes on the social reproduction of different forms of societal order, political ethnography, as well as global health governance and financing. He is the author of “Focal Times and Spaces: How Ethnography Foregrounds the Spatiotemporality of International Organizations and Global Governance”, Global Policy 12, no. S7 (2021): 34–44.

World Sport Events and International Order

Bernd Bucher and Julian Eckl • Sep 4 2024 • Articles

If world sport events can be peaceful, joyous, and entertain people, there is also hope for the world in which they perform.

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