Author profile: Bishwajit Acharya and Soumya Narain

Bishwajit Acharya is a PhD candidate and ICSSR Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. His doctoral thesis focuses on the intrinsic relationship between identity and security within the framework of securitisation theory with respect to Russia.

Soumya Narain is pursuing her PhD as a Senior Research Fellow at  Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Her doctoral thesis entails studying the complex relationship between identity and geopolitics in Russia and Ukraine.

Opinion – Israel’s Two Front War

Bishwajit Acharya and Soumya Narain • Sep 28 2024 • Articles

Whatever happens next in the region, the risks of a broader war (although unlikely) cannot be ruled out – especially when considering an Iranian response.

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